Well, hello there all you lovely internet wanderers. I would venture to guess that if you have found yourself on this page you likely know me. However, if you don't, please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Traci. I am a photographer and wanderer. In 2008 I graduated from Northern Michigan University. Since then I have wandered the state working where I can and taking pictures more often than not. At this point my photography is done on a freelance basis while I do what I can to pay the bills on the side.

This blog will be used as a photographic and written documentation of my time while I meander my way around the Mitten and beyond. My hope is that this will enable me to keep people informed of what I am doing and also encourage me to create and share as much as I can.

With that I say: Welcome to the Mitten! I hope you enjoy your time here.


    Photographic Love
    From the Mitten

    Hey, folks! I'm Traci!
    At this point in my life I have lived all over the state of Michigan, including the Upper Peninsula and many areas of the Mitten.

    I am a semi-professional photographer with an extreme wanderlust and a thirst for creative outlets. This blog is a way of documenting my photographic journey as I travel around the Mitten and beyond.

    Don't be shy. Drop in on occasion and see what I've gotten up to and where I've wandered.


    Graphic Design
    The Thumb
    Traverse City


    October 2010
    September 2010
    August 2010

    RSS Feed